%!%!, &'"!) each have their own reference manuals and tutorial documentation. This document covers the Proteus 8 application framewor$ and other functionality related to the software suite as a whole.

The new Bill of aterials module contains a live viewer and the iewer and esign "+plorer are also lin$ed into the live netlist. The most obvious e+ample of this is wiring in %!%! producing ratsnest connections in &'"! but it goes much further than that. Together Together with the common database the maintenance of a live netlist allows all open modules to automatically reflect changes. !hared access to this database by all application modules ma$es possible a huge number of new features, many of which will evolve over the course of the ersion 8 lifecycle. & part can contain both a schematic component and a PCB footprint as well both user and system properties. The common database contains co ntains information about parts used in the pro*ect. %!%!, &'"!, all open as tabbed windows within this framewor$ and therefore all have access to the common database. This is the framewor$ or container which hosts all of the functionality of Proteus. Proteus 8 consists of a single application (P!."#"). The wrapper that enables all of the various tools to communicate with each other consists of three main parts. Proteus 8 is a single application with many service modules offering different functionality (schematic capture, PCB layout, etc.).